Meet Dennise Kowalczyk of CTD Creative Consulting

Dennise Kowalczyk - CTD Creative<br />
Consulting LLC

OH MY GOODNESS….where do I even start?  There is so much I want to share with you about Dennise but I would have to write a book.  She is one of a kind and damn good at everything she does, personally and in business.

Here she is…a charismatic, giving, loving, talented, go-getter, mother, actress, filmmaker and a runs a creative consulting business for women entrepreneurs…Dennise Kowalczyk!!


When I first met Dennise it was at a conference.  My sister and I found ourselves sitting with this amazing person at a table during the lunch break.  I found Dennise to be a breath of fresh air and still do.  She is very knowledgeable.  Very compassionate about her work and for others.  She’s creative, funny, exciting and wish I could bottle up her energy.  I love that Dennise and I keep in touch and have worked together in various capacities.

I’m sharing with you a few questions I sent her so you can read for yourself what she does, who she does it for, her background and more.

1.      Why did you start your business? After a long career in the nonprofit sector, I found myself at a crossroads.  I decided to take a leap and take my side hustle to full-time and I’ve been an enthusiastic entrepreneur ever since.

2.     What types of changes do you see happening in the future or now for your business that will benefit your clients and new clients? In a world now dominated by AI, it is more important than ever to keep it real in the digital space.  I am developing my Relationship First Program© to support other women business owners with creating both an online and relationship marketing strategy to connect with more clients.

3.     What is your background in your field of work / expertise? I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit even when I was working in more ‘traditional’ employment situations. I had a successful career as a nonprofit professional and brought those ‘do more with less’ strategies to my services of supporting women solopreneurs.

4.     Why should businesses work with you and what sets you apart from other businesses like yours? We are all pressed for time, so figuring out how to best use it to get stuff done is one of my superpowers that I like to share with my clients. With digital marketing becoming even more transactional, it is losing sight of the fact that customers are humans, and it still remains all about relationships. My approach is about keeping it real in an artificial world. I am also a big fan of planning and I am hosting a day-long retreat on December 14 called The Audacious Planning Retreat for Women in Providence, Rhode Island.

5.     What types of clients do you tend to work with? 2nd act women business owners who are growing their service-based businesses work with me to help them create the most impactful marketing strategy based on their capacity. These women are dedicated to building a successful business by using collaborative, relational approaches to marketing and aren’t afraid to experiment with using new tools to do so.

6.     What are your passions outside of work? I am an actor, a world traveler, digital creator as The Adventure Broad, aspiring filmmaker, and writer.

7.     How do businesses get started working with you? Schedule a Relationship First© chat to get the conversation going. To learn more about that service, email

8.     What are your biggest successes in life or business? Living a value-based life fueled by my passions, one small adventure at a time.


Links To Learn More About Dennise

The Audacious Life Planning Retreat For Women